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あおやぎ!!! (@aporochoco217)のTikTok動画:「及川さん風に出来なかった😿#ハイキュー #及川さん #及川徹 #信じてるよ #LINE風 #及川さんしか勝たんよな? #かっこいい #運営さん大好き #運営さんすきだからおすすめ乗せてー」 オリジナル楽曲 あぽろちょこꔛAugust is the hottest month for Fawn Creek with an average high temperature of 912°, which ranks it as about average compared to other places in Kansas In Fawn Creek, there are 3 comfortable months with high temperatures in the range of 7085° The most pleasant months of the year for Fawn Creek are May, September and October